=========== SqueakDebug.log START ========== Error: attempt to index non-existent element in an ordered collection 7 February 2013 2:29:02 pm VM: unix - a SmalltalkImage Image: etoys5.0 [latest update: #2408] SecurityManager state: Restricted: false FileAccess: true SocketAccess: true Working Dir /home/olpc/.sugar/default/org.vpri.EtoysActivity/data/MyEtoys Trusted Dir /home/olpc/.sugar/default/org.vpri.EtoysActivity/data/private Untrusted Dir /home/olpc/.sugar/default/org.vpri.EtoysActivity/data/MyEtoys OrderedCollection(Object)>>error: Receiver: an OrderedCollection() Arguments and temporary variables: aString: 'attempt to index non-existent element in an ordered collection' Receiver's instance variables: array: #(nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil) firstIndex: 3 lastIndex: 2 OrderedCollection>>errorNoSuchElement Receiver: an OrderedCollection() Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: array: #(nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil) firstIndex: 3 lastIndex: 2 OrderedCollection>>at: Receiver: an OrderedCollection() Arguments and temporary variables: anInteger: 1 Receiver's instance variables: array: #(nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil) firstIndex: 3 lastIndex: 2 OrderedCollection(SequenceableCollection)>>first Receiver: an OrderedCollection() Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: array: #(nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil) firstIndex: 3 lastIndex: 2 --- The full stack --- OrderedCollection(Object)>>error: OrderedCollection>>errorNoSuchElement OrderedCollection>>at: OrderedCollection(SequenceableCollection)>>first - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [] in SugarLauncher>>gconfPropertiesAt: {[:entry | props at: (entry attributeAt: 'name') put: entry elements firs...]} XMLElement>>tagsNamed:do: [] in XMLElement(XMLNode)>>tagsNamed:do: {[:each | each tagsNamed: aSymbol do: aOneArgumentBlock]} [] in XMLElement(XMLNodeWithElements)>>elementsDo: {[:each | aBlock value: each]} OrderedCollection>>do: XMLElement(XMLNodeWithElements)>>elementsDo: XMLElement(XMLNode)>>tagsNamed:do: XMLElement>>tagsNamed:do: [] in XMLDocument(XMLNode)>>tagsNamed:do: {[:each | each tagsNamed: aSymbol do: aOneArgumentBlock]} [] in XMLDocument(XMLNodeWithElements)>>elementsDo: {[:each | aBlock value: each]} OrderedCollection>>do: XMLDocument(XMLNodeWithElements)>>elementsDo: XMLDocument(XMLNode)>>tagsNamed:do: [] in SugarLauncher>>gconfPropertiesAt: {[:f | props := Dictionary new. (XMLDOMParser parseDocumentFrom: f) tagsN...]} [] in FileStream class>>detectFile:do: {[anotherBlock value: file]} BlockContext>>ensure: FileStream class>>detectFile:do: FileStream class>>readOnlyFileNamed:do: [] in SugarLauncher>>gconfPropertiesAt: {[FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: dir pathName , '/.gconf' , aString , '/%gco...]} BlockContext>>on:do: SugarLauncher>>gconfPropertiesAt: [] in SugarLauncher>>ownerBuddy {[:ex | ^ SugarBuddyOwner fromDictionary: (self gconfPropertiesAt: '/deskto...]} BlockContext>>valueWithPossibleArgs: [] in MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal: {[(self tempAt: 2) valueWithPossibleArgs: {exception}]} BlockContext>>ensure: MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal: DBusError(Exception)>>signal DBusError(Exception)>>signal: DBusError class(Exception class)>>signal: DBus>>sendDBusMessage:timeout: DBus>>sendDBusMessage: SugarPresence(DBusProxy)>>dbusPerform:interface:withArguments: SugarPresence(DBusProxy)>>dbusPerform:interface: SugarPresence>>getOwner [] in SugarLauncher>>ownerBuddy {[^ SugarBuddy fromDictionary: self presence getOwner getProperties]} BlockContext>>on:do: SugarLauncher>>ownerBuddy [] in SugarLauncher>>startUp {[:activityId | OLPCVirtualScreen setupIfNeeded. World windowEventHandler: ...]} Dictionary>>at:ifPresent: SugarLauncher>>startUp [] in AutoStart class>>startUp: {[launcher startUp]} WorldState>>runStepMethodsIn: PasteUpMorph>>runStepMethods WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: WorldState>>doOneCycleFor: PasteUpMorph>>doOneCycle [] in Project class>>spawnNewProcess {[[World doOneCycle. Processor yield. false] whileFalse. nil]} [] in BlockContext>>newProcess {[self value. Processor terminateActive]} =========== SqueakDebug.log END ========== unable to find control Capture, 0 sound_Start: snd_pcm_hw_params: Invalid argument