Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #4011

01/21/2013 18:31:46 (11 years ago)

@manuq: how we should implement this?

Nowadays, when an error occurs when a page is loading we load a error page in HTML format inside the same WebView that is being used.

The PDF case is a bit different because we do not create a WebView, instead of that we create a DummyBrowser and start the download process using a WebKit.Download and when it finishes we use Evince to show the PDF.

At the moment we have the signal 'error' of the WebKit.Download connected to log the reason. I think we should do something there to show the error page

I see two possibilities here:

  1. Create a common Browser -or a WebKit.WebView- (not a DummyBrowser) to show the error page.
  2. Create a Gtk widget that looks similar to the error page (something like the PDFMessageBox that you created.

Any other idea? What do you think?


  • Ticket #4011

    • Property Cc manuq added
  • Ticket #4011 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 If you try to load a PDF url without being connected to Internet, the error page does not shown.
     1If you try to load a PDF url without being connected to Internet, the error page is not shown.