Ticket #3166: ta_media_crash.log

File ta_media_crash.log, 2.3 KB (added by garycmartin, 13 years ago)
1** Message: pygobject_register_sinkfunc is deprecated (HippoCanvasBox)
2** Message: pygobject_register_sinkfunc is deprecated (GstObject)
31318001382.244142 WARNING root: KeepButton has been deprecated since Sugar 0.94
4and should not be used in newly written code.
51318001382.278031 WARNING root: No gtk.AccelGroup in the top level window.
61318001382.316224 WARNING root: No gtk.AccelGroup in the top level window.
71318001382.749125 WARNING root: No gtk.AccelGroup in the top level window.
81318001382.799498 WARNING root: No gtk.AccelGroup in the top level window.
91318001382.849078 WARNING root: No gtk.AccelGroup in the top level window.
101318001382.905528 WARNING root: No gtk.AccelGroup in the top level window.
111318001382.949539 WARNING root: No gtk.AccelGroup in the top level window.
121318001383.025770 WARNING root: No gtk.AccelGroup in the top level window.
131318001383.030076 WARNING root: No gtk.AccelGroup in the top level window.
141318001383.106990 WARNING root: No gtk.AccelGroup in the top level window.
151318001383.130445 WARNING root: No gtk.AccelGroup in the top level window.
161318001383.215393 WARNING root: No gtk.AccelGroup in the top level window.
171318001383.234108 WARNING root: No gtk.AccelGroup in the top level window.
181318001383.261941 WARNING root: No gtk.AccelGroup in the top level window.
191318001391.626818 WARNING root: No gtk.AccelGroup in the top level window.
20** (sugar-activity:1167): DEBUG: Got client ID
22** (sugar-activity:1167): DEBUG: Setting initial properties
23** (sugar-activity:1167): DEBUG: Received SaveYourself(SmSaveLocal, !Shutdown,
24SmInteractStyleNone, !Fast) in state idle
25** (sugar-activity:1167): DEBUG: Sending SaveYourselfDone(True) for initial
27** (sugar-activity:1167): DEBUG: Received SaveComplete message in state
291318001400.839960 WARNING root: No gtk.AccelGroup in the top level window.
301318001400.931584 WARNING root: No gtk.AccelGroup in the top level window.
311318001436.873578 WARNING root: No gtk.AccelGroup in the top level window.
321318001436.935729 WARNING root: No gtk.AccelGroup in the top level window.
33python: xcb_io.c:221: poll_for_event: Assertion `(((long) (event_sequence) -
34(long) (dpy->request)) <= 0)' failed.
35Terminated by signal 6, pid 1167 data (None, <open file '<fdopen>', mode 'w' at
360xb973e8>, '486c6d747b1d02ccd67da11199e73453fc01b955')